Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry (late) Christmas

Merry Christmas!! :D I'm going to Georgia to go snow tubing in January. I'm sooo excited. What did you get for Christmas? 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Favorite Christian Songs

I am bored right now so I am just going to give you a list of  some ***awesome*** christian songs. :) 

1. 10,000 Reasons -- Matt Redman
2. Me Without You -- Tobymac
3. Hold Me -- Jamie Grace (ft. Tobymac) 
4. City On Our Knees -- Tobymac
5. Gold -- Britt Nicole 
6. Whom Shall I Fear -- Chris Tomlin 
7. Healing Begins -- Tenth Avenue North 
8. By Your Side -- Tenth Avenue North 
9. You Are More -- Tenth Avenue North
10. Inside Out -- Hillsong 
11. Get Back Up -- Tobymac
12. We Won't Be Shaken -- Building 429

For some more awesome songs, go to :) You can even request songs :D  

Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day if School :O

Oh my gosh. I was feeling so nervous last night. :O I'm not nervous now. I think it's really fun. :) ok.. I don't really know what to say. Comment below what sports you are doing, band or music, ya know. Stuff like that. xD

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Funny Youtube Videos

I love these videos. They are really funny! :D

 Just watch them. :P

Monday, June 24, 2013

Random :P

How is everybody's summer? Mine has been going ok. I haven't really done anything. I've gone swimming a few times. :P It's like 10:00 at night and I'm trying to update my blog haha :D Who else feels like they are being stalked by weirdo classmates on their blog? :| Nerdle. '-' Oh my gosh I'm trying to add color to my words but I can't. I'm really irritated. >:( _________________$$$$__________$$$$ ________________$$__________________$$$$ ______________$$________________________$$$$ ____________$$______________________________$$ ___________$__________________________________$$ ___________$$___________________________________$$ __________$$__$$______________________$$__________$$ ________$$__$$___$$$$_________$$$$____$$__________$$$$ ______$$___$$__$$$$__$$_____$$$$__$$_$$_____________$$ ______$$___$$____$$$$_________$$$$___$$_______________ ______$$___$$________________________$$_______________ ______$$____$$_______________________$$_____________$$ ________$$__$$____$$$$$$_____________$$____________$$$ ________$$__$$__$$______$$___________$$__________$$ ________$$__$$__$$______$$___________$$________$$ __________$$$$____$$$$$$_____________$$$$_____$$$$ __________$$$$_____________________$$__$$____$$$ ___________$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$_____$$$$______$$$$_$$ _____________$$___$$______$$$$$_______________$$ _____________$$_____$$$$$$$____________________$$ _____________$$________________________________$$ ____________$$_________________________________$$ ____________$$_________________________________$$ ____________$$___________________________________$ ____________$$___________________________________$$ __________$$_________________________$$___________$ __________$$__________$$___________$$_____________$$ ________$$__$$________$$_________$$_______________$$ ______$$____$$__________$$_______$$_______________$$ ______$$____$$____________$$___$$_________________$$ ____$$______$$_____________$$_$$_______$$_________$$ ____$$______$$________$$____$$$________$$_________$$ ____$$______$$________$$____$$$_______$$__________$$ ____$$______$$________$$_______________$$__________$$ ____$$______$$________$$_______________$$____________$ _$$$$_______$$________$$_______________$$____________$ $___$$______$$________$$$$___________$$$$____________$ $___$$______$$________$$__$$_______$$__$$____________$ _$$_$$______$$________$$____$$___$$_____$$___________$ ___$$$______$$________$$______$$_______$$___________$$ ____$$______$$________$$_____$$________$$___________$$ __$$________$$________$$$$$$$$___$$$$$$__$$_________$$ __$$________$$________$$______$$$______$$$$_________$$ $$________$$__________$$_________$$$$$$__$$__________$ $$______$$__________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______$$__________$ $$_$$_$$$__________$$_____________$$$$$$$__$$________$ _$$$$$$$___________$$______________________$$________$ _____$$__$$__$$__$$_$______________________$$________$ ______$$$$__$___$__$$______________________$$______

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


What is everybody (or at least the people who come on here) doing this summer? I don't think we are really going out of town, maybe Coco Beach because my great grandparents live there and it has an awesome beach. I'm also having a few girls over for my birthday in June to go swimming. Abby, if you are reading this right now, seriously make sure to comment and tell me when you are coming down!! I shall skype you when summer starts. 0.o